An early influence on my painting was the work of Australian artist Ken Done whose vibrant palette and use of borders sparked a new inspiration within me. It was his use of colour that cause me to realise that there arer no rules for the use of colour in our work. Sure, there are theories and conventions, guidlines and thousands of recommended ways to put together an artists palette, but Ken doesn't care!
His work is carefree! But his work is full of life, vigour and expression. You can sense his delight in his Sydney environment. I discovered him on a trip to Australia in 1987. The sunshine, tropical heat and his sense of humourleap out of every image.
I can see some influences of Matisse in his work but Henri never conveyed this sense of joy and abandon to me; I saw him as a seriously experimental old artist to be admired and revered but Ken Done was a contemporary, a designer, a smiling man who showed me that this style of work was completely accessible and achievable.
Thank you Ken