I brought my Winsor and Newton acrylic and watercolour paints with me to Vietnam thirteen years ago because I didn't know what art supplies I might find here - or NOT find here in 2012. As it happened, there was a stockist of that brand in the heart of Saigon so I was ok for supplies of everything I needed.
When I moved to Hoi An in Central Vietnam, the story was different and I had to use whatever I could find. I ended up using a Chinese brand, Chinjoo 3-D and 5-D acrylic paints which came in 300ml for about $3.50 per pot! That was unbelievably cheap so I was skeptical but I had little choice. That Chinese paint was excellent. There was a wider colour range and many of the colours had greater luminosity that the W&N.
Occasionally, a trip to Hong Kong, Singapore or Bangkok would give me the chance to rummage in their fabulous art supplies stores and I was able to try previously unknown brands such as Daniel Smith, Sennelier, Pebeo, Holbein and the gorgeous Russian, St. Petersburg watercolour paints that melt in this heat and humidity.
One acrylic paint, that I samples in Singapore stood out above all the rest - Golden Artist Colours from New Berlin, New York State. I bought a tube of their veridian, the turquoise and a yellow - they were delicious and sooooooooooooo expensive!
I am determined, on my return to the UK, that I will only be using Golden acrylic paints from now on. An internet search brought up a 12 colour set for £61 that includes ALL my favourite colours so I will start with that and then start to experiment with their mediums. Now that I am producing abstract art, I need those colours to really sing so I should use the best available paints.
What do you think? Do you have any experience of Golden paints to share?
#Goldenpaints #acrylicpaint #artistcolour #abstractart #bridgetmarch #artist #leeds #studio #exhibition